Fossil Creek Trail
Eastern Interior Field Office White Mountains National Recreation Area
Fairbanks, AK

Fossil Creek Trail, in the White Mountains National Recreation Area, is an 18.8 mile trail maintained for winter snowmobiling, skiing, dog mushing, snowshoeing, and fat-biking.

Fossil Creek Trail starts at the north end of Wickersham Creek Trail near the Borealis-LeFevre Cabin on the north side of Beaver Creek Wild and Scenic River. The trail heads north through a broad, open valley and spruce forests and rolling hills before dropping into the Fossil Creek drainage. The Fossil Creek Trail will pass the junction with the Fossil Gap Trail past jagged limestone cliffs before reaching Windy Gap Cabin. The northern terminus of the trail is a three-way intersection with Windy Creek Trail and Cache Mountain Loop at the Windy Gap Cabin.

The trail closed to motorized use April 15 - October 15.

The Fossil Creek Trail continues north from the Borealis-LeFevre Cabin. The most direct route from the city of Fairbanks, Alaska, is to travel north on the Steese Highway to Fox, Alaska, then north on the Elliott Highway to milepost 28 and the Wickersham Dome parking area. The trails to the cabin begins at the Wickersham Dome parking area, then one can travel either the Wickersham Creek Trail (winter use) or the Summit Trail (summer use, hiking only).
Stay Limit
10 days